Donate to Brilliant Corners

Your support helps Brilliant Corners provide supportive housing for people who need it.
Together, we’re helping more people find a place to call home.

Where housing

and services

come together

Brilliant Corners provides

innovative supportive housing

for people who need it.

Everyone wants to live in their own home – and the vast majority of people, with the right kinds of supports, can do just that. At Brilliant Corners, we believe a home is the cornerstone of health, well-being and independence. We partner with government, health care, service providers, landlords and developers to create supportive housing solutions that empower people to achieve housing stability. Because when each individual has a corner of the world to call their own, our whole community shines.

The housing crisis is not about broken people, but rather broken systems.

Housing is one of the most pressing issues of our time, but it’s not hopeless. To fix the systems, we build relationships among landlords, government agencies, and social service providers. We leverage these relationships to find and build housing, and match it with those who need it. With more than 17,000 people housed, we know from experience that by changing our assumptions, we can make real change.


We create access to housing for vulnerable low-income people.

We serve the broad spectrum of people priced out of our communities, cycling through bureaucratic systems, shunted into institutions or abandoned to the streets. We serve individuals, families, seniors, youth, veterans. Instead of focusing on one population, we create housing platforms that can serve anyone who needs deeply affordable housing with wrap-around services – regardless of what part of the social safety net they rely on.


Supportive housing combines affordable housing with services that help people facing the most complex challenges to live stably with autonomy and dignity.

Supportive housing is permanent, deeply affordable rental housing and is linked to voluntary, life-improving services like health care, workforce development, child welfare and intensive case management. Residents pay rent and have the same rights and responsibilities of anyone renting housing. Residency in supportive housing is not contingent on tenants meeting certain behavioral requirements for access to housing. It is an innovative and proven solution to some of our communities' toughest problems. (Source:

At Brilliant Corners, our focus is on getting people into housing and keeping them housed. We work with nearly 80 agency partners to provide additional supportive housing services after they are housed.

Our Services

Housing Services

We manage an array of scattered-site and project-based rental assistance programs featuring housing acquisition, move-in assistance, landlord services, and on-going tenancy supports.

Property Management

We own and manage affordable supportive housing properties throughout California. We provide in-house property maintenance and asset management for over 200 properties.

Housing Development

We acquire and construct properties that can be converted rapidly to supportive housing, interim housing, multi-family housing or residential care homes.

Case Management

We provide intensive case management services to vulnerable individuals and families in combination with subsidized housing.

People Housed

People Housed Monthly

Properties Owned and Managed

Partner Agencies

“Brilliant Corners is a system-changing innovation. It’s more cost-effective to fund them and their partners than continue to have people in emergency rooms, jails and the shelter system.”

RAND Corporation