Our Impact

People Housed

People Housed Monthly

Properties Owned and Managed

Partner Agencies
Client Stories

David credits his young daughter with motivating him to regain stable housing. What mattered most to him was having a welcoming place for her to visit. Brilliant Corners worked with him to get his own apartment, with a dedicated Housing Coordinator to help him navigate the process and connect him to the support services he needs to thrive. Now he’s created the safe space that he’s always wanted for him and his daughter: “Housing helped me build a foundation for my life,” he says.
For Mario, there’s no better feeling than having a place of his own. After experiencing homelessness, he was referred to Brilliant Corners, where his Housing Coordinator worked with him to move into a one-bedroom apartment. He relishes the opportunity to be alone, have control over his own space and design it to his liking. Mario’s name is on the lease and the property manager raves about him as an ideal tenant.

Eugene is the talented head chef at a well-known restaurant. As a young adult, however, he struggled with substance use, cycled in and out of the justice system and experienced homelessness. Eugene’s probation officer referred him to Breaking Barriers, a Brilliant Corners program serving adults on felony probation. Through Breaking Barriers, Eugene accessed housing and case management services, as well as job training opportunities that helped him launch a career in the food industry. Housing provided Eugene the stability he needed to excel in his life and career. “It feels amazing to live in a place of my own. I have a real sense of independence.”
“Brilliant Corners is a system-changing innovation. It’s more cost-effective to fund them and their partners than continue to have people in emergency rooms, jails and the shelter system.”
RAND Corporation
What Our Partners Are Saying