To meet the crisis on our streets today, we can leverage existing housing with an innovative approach: matching people to vacant apartments, all across our City, and providing supportive services so people can remain stably housed, and thrive.” – Tipping Point Community

The San Francisco Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool works in partnership with philanthropic, health, and government stakeholders to strategically match clients to property providers throughout San Francisco. A customized account management approach matches property providers with tenants, and provides financial benefits and coordination to make the process seamless.

The SF Flex Pool makes it easy for San Francisco property providers to rent vacant apartments. Brilliant Corners is proud to be an operator of the San Francisco Flex Pool and is responsible for securing a broad range of housing options and acting as the fiscal intermediary, including administering the rental subsidy and providing tenancy supports.


A Range of Housing Options

Brilliant Corners works to secure a broad range of housing options, including individual apartments, blocks of units or entire buildings. Brilliant Corners identifies and secures units county-wide; provides move-in assistance and rental subsidy disbursement; coordinates with case managers; and assists with landlord relations.

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Wraparound Support

  • After moving in, tenants receive ongoing support from dedicated Brilliant Corners Housing Coordinators during the duration of the lease to ensure positive tenant-landlord relationships and overall lease compliance. Additionally, Case Management services are provided for each tenant for holistic support.

Tenancy Supports

Our person-centered model provides housing retention services to participants to ensure a smooth transition into housing, as well as ensuring they stay housed. This includes facilitating the move-in process, and working with the participant, case manager, and property provider to resolve all tenant-specific, housing-related issues.

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Easy Landlord Participation

  • Improved Collections: On-time payments every month from Brilliant Corners. 
  • High Occupancy / Low Turnover: Reduced unit turnover cost and lower vacancy loss. Targeting long-term tenancy and housing stability.
  • Ease of Management: Dedicated point-of-contact for all tenant issues. Intensive case management and wrap-around services to support tenants and promote housing stability.

Additional information and resources on the San Francisco Flex Pool:

 San Francisco Flex Pool Brochure

Contact Us

854 Folsom Street | San Francisco, CA 94107

(415) 618 – 0012