FHSP Procurement Process


In collaboration with LA County Department of Health Services’ Housing for Health program office, Brilliant Corners will be implementing a Procurement Process and is accepting proposal submissions that meet the Proposal Guidelines to create new Permanent Supportive Housing rental units in LA County. Funding awarded aims to support the development of PSH for people experiencing homelessness.   

Projects awarded through the procurement process will receive an executed Subsidy Agreement between project sponsors and Brilliant Corners.    

Application will remain open until all funding is committed.

For any questions, please email PBVpipeline@brilliantcorners.org. 

Application Resources & Supplemental Documents

For application resources and supplemental documents, click here. 

Link:Application Resources & Supplemental Documents

Review the Proposal Guidelines

Additional Questions

Please reference the FAQ document in the Applications Resources & Supplemental Documents folder.

Should you have further inquiries, feel free to submit them your questions here. Responses to all questions will be posted on the website as received.

Link: Frequently Asked Questions

Link: Submit a Question

Contact Information

For further questions, please contact: PBVpipeline@brilliantcorners.org.


Application Turnaround Time