Summer Advocacy Recap
This summer has been a season of strong advocacy and growth through the tireless work of our dynamic External Affairs team. We have contributed to advancing impactful bills and initiatives that will serve our communities directly. From federal to local, our team has advocated for change, and we are excited to share our progress.
Federal Advocacy
NAEH Conference and Capitol Hill Day
In July, Sabrina Gillan, Chief Strategic Partnership Officer, and External Affairs Associate Kayana Tyson attended the National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH) Conference in Washington, D.C. This conference consisted of advocates, service providers, and community leaders who gathered to discuss strategies and policies to end homelessness in the United States. This year’s conference focused on housing, supportive services, and homelessness prevention. Brilliant Corners’ Chief Strategic Partnership Officer Sabrina Gillan joined a panel alongside Sarah Mahin, the Director of Housing for Health at the LA County Department of Health Services. Sarah and Sabrina presented on the Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool model and how it is scaling housing placements. While attending the conference, Kayana and Sabrina also participated in advocacy efforts by visiting Capitol Hill and meeting with Congressman Adam Schiff and Congresswoman Maxine Waters, as well as a dozen other productive meetings with congressional staffers. The meetings focused on several appropriation bills that would increase funding for homeless services and fight against the criminalization of homelessness due to the Grants Pass decision.
In addition to participating in advocacy activities on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., a follow-up meeting was also arranged by Kayana and Sabrina with the office of Congresswoman Maxine Waters. This meeting discussed advancing key policy priorities and provided a deeper dive into Brilliant Corners’ focus areas. The meeting with Congresswoman Waters was essential in cultivating a collaborative

and ongoing relationship with Brilliant Corners. Soon after, Brilliant Corners’ Director of Multifamily Housing Development, Vanessa Luna, and Director of Asset Management, Monty Jarecke, also held a meeting with Congresswoman Waters’ staff to discuss challenges with insurance for supportive housing buildings as well as tenant-occupied units.

State Level Engagement
This Summer, Brilliant Corners has supported several bills that advocate for reducing costs and streamlining processes for affordable housing development in California.
AB 1053: Reduces affordable housing costs by allowing developers to receive Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) [GU1] loans during construction. Early access to HCD funds will save an average of $1 million per development in interest expenses. This bill requires HCD to develop appropriate regulations and approve requests to access awards during construction.
AB 2353: Allows developers not to pay property taxes on affordable units while a welfare exemption application is pending. Currently, developers float property taxes for years while applications are under review, only to have those payments reimbursed when an application invariably is approved. This bill allows an affordable housing developer to withhold relevant tax payments, without penalty, while their welfare exemption application is under review if they have received a TCAC or HCD award and demonstrate that construction has begun. This will free up significant capital to support additional affordable homes.
AB 2926: Strengthens the ability of preservation purchasers to buy affordable housing at risk of conversion. Current law requires owners of affordable housing, before converting to market-rate when affordability restrictions expire, to give preservation purchasers a one-year opportunity to submit offers to buy the development. However, current law does not require an owner to accept any such offer. This bill requires owners to accept a bona fide purchase offer or re-restrict the development of affordable housing.
AB 3160: Commits California to $500 million in enhanced state Housing Credits through 2030. The lack of gap financing is the single biggest barrier to increasing affordable housing production in California. In addition, the lack of certainty over what resources will be available in any given year creates undue risk. This bill locks in the enhanced state credits for five years, providing both resources and certainty. If the Governor signs both this bill and AB 3190 (Haney), these enhanced state credits will be subject to prevailing wage requirements.
Local Initiatives
External Affairs Director, Jose Osuna, has joined the Los Angeles County Leadership Table for Regional Homeless Alignment. Leaders in Los Angeles County organized the Leadership Table to develop a united strategy for addressing and preventing homelessness. This governing group, established by the County Board of Supervisors, will coordinate the region’s approach to homelessness, providing oversight and accountability for improved outcomes. The Leadership Table is directed by Peter Laugharn of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and Miguel Santana of the California Community Foundation and includes a varied group of civic, public, and private leaders.
Looking Ahead
This summer’s advocacy efforts accomplished significant milestones as our team pushed to effect meaningful change at the local, state, and federal levels. We continue to focus on innovative solutions to homelessness, from influencing national policy at the NAEH Conference to supporting crucial state initiatives that promote the development of affordable housing in California.