Latest News
Brilliant Corners Chief Operating Officer Chris Contreras Appointed to California Commission for Behavioral Health
We are honored to share that Brilliant Corners Chief Operating Officer, Chris Contreras has been appointed by Governor Newsom to the Commission for Behavioral Health, which will drive transformational change and improve outcomes to California’s behavioral health system through the Behavioral Health Services Act (BHSA).
Brilliant Corners Director of External Affairs Jose Osuna Receives 2025 Housing Justice Award From Housing California
Brilliant Corners’ Director of External Affairs, Jose Osuna, has been selected by Housing California to receive a 2025 Housing Justice Award! This honor recognizes Jose’s exceptional contributions advancing Housing Justice, and his deep commitment to ensuring that all people have access to stable housing and opportunities to thrive.
Fall Advocacy Recap
Check out Brilliant Corner’s latest advocacy work. During the fall, Brilliant Corners engaged in meaningful legislation and initiatives that support the communities we serve.
Commercial Space for Lease at Award-Winning Brilliant Corners Site
We have two fantastic spaces available for lease in our Builder’s Choice award-winning Octavia Court building. Don’t miss out on this extraordinary chance to lease a space that not only meets your business needs but also aligns with your mission to make a difference. Secure your place at Octavia Court today and join us in shaping a brighter future for all.
Timothy House Grand Opening
Brilliant Corners is excited to announce the groundbreaking of Timothy House, a new interim housing site from Long Beach Rescue Mission that will serve transition-age youth.
SoCal non-profit offers quick, affordable housing solution amid long-term homeless crisis
ABC News featured a segment on the Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool, a groundbreaking program that’s making housing a reality for thousands of Angelenos. Hear from our amazing participant Martha, Brilliant Corners CEO Bill Pickel, and Leepi Shimkhada, Deputy Director of LA County Department of Health Services Housing for Health division on how this program is changing lives through housing.
Brilliant Corners 20th Anniversary Video
Brilliant Corners is excited to share a new video commemorating our 20th Anniversary, from our founding in the disability rights movement to our person-centered supportive housing approach today, and features inspiring stories from our participants.
10 Years of the Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool Video
Brilliant Corners is proud to share a video commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool Model. Learn more about this system-changing program that unlocks a range of housing options and ensures housing stability through dedicated landlord engagement, rent subsidy administration, and tenancy supports.
Announcing LACDMH Interim Housing Program Request For Applications
Announcing a new RFA opportunity in partnership with LA County Department of Mental Health. Request For Applications now open!
Summer Advocacy Recap
This summer has been a season of strong advocacy and growth through the tireless work of Brilliant Corners’ dynamic External Affairs team. We have contributed to advancing impactful bills and initiatives that will serve our communities directly.
Supportive housing wraps up at 1355 Avalon Boulevard in Wilmington
In Wilmington, non-profit developer and service provider Brilliant Corners has opened a new permanent supportive housing complex just south of Pacific Coast Highway.
The Richman Group and Brilliant Corners Announce Grand Opening of Las Palmas Apartments
The Richman Group of California in partnership with Brilliant Corners, have announced the grand opening of Las Palmas Apartments, a new supportive housing community in the Wilmington neighborhood of Los Angeles.
The Richman Group and Brilliant Corners Announce Grand Opening of Las Palmas Apartments
The Richman Group of California, an innovator in multifamily development, and Richman Property Services, in partnership with Brilliant Corners, a leading supportive housing developer and services provider in California, celebrated the grand opening of Las Palmas Apartments.
Las Palmas Apartments Grand Opening
Check out this beautiful video from LA 36 featuring Brilliant Corners CEO Bill Pickel, LA County Supervisor Janice Hahn, and our new resident Kelly celebrating the opening of Las Palmas Apartments.
Las Palmas Apartments Grand Opening
Brilliant Corners is thrilled to announce the grand opening of Las Palmas Apartments, a beautiful multifamily supportive housing development that provides 53 apartments in the Wilmington neighborhood in the City of Los Angeles.
Vacant Grocery Converted into Housing – Homeless Initiative
A vacant grocery store has been converted into a beautiful apartment complex to permanently housed people transitioning out of homelessness. Las Palmas Apartments in Wilmington offers 53 units of permanent housing accompanied by wraparound supportive services.
Brilliant Corners Named as Recipient of Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Community Fund Grant
Brilliant Corners is thrilled to announce a grant award from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Community Fund to support our housing and services in San Mateo County.
Fair Chance Housing
Brilliant Corners has been diligently advocating for Fair Chance Housing in the City and County of Los Angeles, an important motion that would improve housing access for Justice Impacted families.
New Leadership Table Launches to Accelerate Los Angeles County’s Approach to Solving Homelessness
Brilliant Corners Director of External Affairs, Jose Osuna, has been nominated to join the Los Angeles County Leadership Table for Regional Homeless Alignment.
Advocacy at Brilliant Corners Spring Recap
This past spring has been a season of powerful advocacy and considerable progress, thanks to the dedicated efforts of Brilliant Corners and our dynamic External Affairs team.
Spotlight on Housing Coordinators
Brilliant Housing Coordinators exemplify our organizational values of Humanity, Community, and Ingenuity every day in how they show up for our program participants, and for each other. Check out this video to learn more about the role.
Participant Highlight: Zoila’s Story
Learn about Brilliant Corners participant Zoila, and the challenges she experienced during the pandemic. Zoila shares how Brilliant Corners’ services supported her through her housing journey.
Bridge to Home Grand Opening
Brilliant Corners’ Capital Improvement Intermediary Program (CIIP) Team joined community leaders and elected officials to celebrate Bridge to Home’s Grand Opening.
Meet Brian, Brilliant Corners Participant
Check out this video featuring our inspiring client Brian, who shares his experience working with Brilliant Corners, along with some words of wisdom for those still on their housing journey.
Participant Highlight: Gabrielle’s Story
In honor of Fair Housing Month, we share an inspiring highlight featuring Brilliant Corners participant Gabrielle, who shares how she experienced housing insecurity for many years, and how Brilliant Corners and wraparound support transformed her housing journey.
L.A. County Supervisors approve $106M for three affordable housing developments
Urbanize LA features Brilliant Corners’ Toyon Gardens project, a new construction development in the El Camino Village neighborhood of LA County that will provide 78 units to the community, with 60 permanent supportive housing units dedicated to people with disabilities, and people and families experiencing homelessness.
Why California’s homeless advocates fear that state’s unhoused crisis might get worse
Brilliant Corners Board Member and Community Advocate Reba Stevens took to the steps of Capitol Hill in Sacramento alongside lawmakers and advocates to call for funding to address the state’s homelessness crisis.
Advocacy at Brilliant Corners: Fall and Winter Advocacy Update
During the fall and winter season, Brilliant Corners continued to pursue advocacy opportunities aimed at safeguarding affordable housing, increasing housing production and preservation, and increasing funding for homeless response systems.
Brilliant Corners CEO Bill Pickel in conversation with Anne Hinton
Bill Pickel, Brilliant Corners CEO and Anne Hinton, former Executive Director of San Francisco Department of Aging and Adult Services (SF DAS), reflect on their work together.
Las Palmas Apartments Multifamily Housing Project
Check out our Las Palmas Apartments project, a beautiful multi-family supportive housing development that will provide 53 apartments to individuals in the Wilmington neighborhood in the City of Los Angeles.
Tipping Point Community’s Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool: Evaluation of the Scattered-Site Supportive Housing Pilot
New report from Urban Institute on outcomes from the San Francisco Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool, which has made meaningful progress towards reducing chronic homelessness in San Francisco. We are grateful to Tipping Point for their visionary leadership, to San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing for their partnership, and to all our partners in this work.
County’s Community Care Grant Applications Opening Jan. 22
The Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, the Los Angeles County Development Authority and Brilliant Corners are excited to announce the launch of the Community Care Expansion Preservation Capital Projects Grant Program.
Can homelessness in L.A. ever be ‘rare, brief and nonrecurring’?
Earlier this fall, the chief executives of several local foundations gathered at the Southern California Grantmakers offices to discuss expanding their efforts to combat L.A.’s growing homelessness crisis.
Ten recommendations to shore up fragile LA County licensed residential facilities. Part Two of our conversation with The Future Organization
Heart Forward shares the second interview with The Future Organization on the recently released research report Serving Our Vulnerable Populations. This podcast focuses on the recommendations of the study report.
Participant Highlight: Tameka’s Story
Brilliant Corners participant Tameka, featured on NPR, recently made the Honor Society in film school and started her own podcast, all the more remarkable given her journey in overcoming homelessness. Tameka shares how housing has been instrumental in pursuing her dreams.
To tackle homelessness faster, LA has a kind of real estate agency for the unhoused
Every day, Brilliant Corners’ housing acquisition team is out in the community sourcing units that can be matched to someone in need of housing. Check out this piece from NPR’s Jennifer Ludden, sharing about the Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool model, and our amazing participant Tameka.
Long-awaited research findings signal need to pay attention to our fragile system of licensed facilities serving people with mental illness: A conversation with The Future Organization
The Heart Forward podcast & The Future Organization highlight the recently released research report Serving Our Vulnerable Populations: Los Angeles County Adult Residential Facilities & Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly.
Advocacy at Brilliant Corners: Summer Advocacy Update
Over the summer, Brilliant Corners continued engaging in state and local advocacy initiatives, supporting efforts to reduce the barriers to housing, improve service provisions for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and much more – and we released a new study report: Serving Our Vulnerable Populations.
Brilliant Corners Announces Groundbreaking for Homekey Harbor City
Brilliant Corners is proud to announce the kick-off for construction at Homekey Harbor City, a former Motel 6 that will become permanent supportive housing for 49 individuals who have experienced homelessness. We were joined for the groundbreaking by Isela Gracian, Senior Deputy, Homelessness & Housing, for LA County Supervisor Holly Mitchell.
Board and care homes could make a dent in homelessness but remain underfunded, study finds
We are proud to share this L.A. Times piece highlighting the recently released research study: Serving Our Vulnerable Populations: LA County Adult Residential Facilities & Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly.
New Research Study on LA County-based Adult Residential Facilities and Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly
Serving Our Vulnerable Populations: Los Angeles County Adult Residential Facilities and Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly is a first-of-its-kind study report on vital housing resources for vulnerable community members.
Local Innovations in Addressing Homelessness Webinar
Brilliant Corners Chief Operating Officer, Chris Contreras, joined the Bipartisan Policy Center and local leaders to share innovative approaches for meeting the needs of unhoused people, share valuable insights on how to scale up promising interventions.
Advocacy at Brilliant Corners: Spring Advocacy Update
Spring 2023 was a packed season for advocacy at Brilliant Corners. Over the last quarter, we took action on several policy and advocacy initiatives across the sector at the national, state, and local level to advocate for housing and homelessness policy improvements.
Helping The Formerly Jailed Get Back On Their Feet
Brilliant Corners Director of External Affairs, Jose Osuna, wrote a powerful piece in the Pasadena Star News sharing his lived experience, and how housing is central to the reentry process.
Can Real Change Happen at the Grassroots? How Three Community Leaders are Winning the Battle for Fair Wages, Exiting Homelessness, Expanding Prisoner Rights
Brilliant Corners Chief Operating Officer Chris Contreras spoke on a panel with fellow Irvine Award recipients to discuss approaches to solving homelessness, justice reform and supporting the reentry community, and ensuring a living wage.
Advocacy at Brilliant Corners: Winter Advocacy Update
This winter, Brilliant Corners engaged in several advocacy initiatives and worked in collaboration with organizations and coalitions across the sector with the goal of reducing the barriers to housing. Check out a recap of the advocacy opportunities we pursued throughout the winter season that align with our approach to make housing more accessible for all.
Boyce’s Story
Brilliant Corners Chief Operating Officer, Chris Contreras, joined Brilliant Corners participant Boyce Osife on a Spectrum News 1 Segment. During the conversation, Boyce shared how housing made a transformational impact on his life and recounted for us the multiple barriers he experienced with housing instability before being connected to Brilliant Corners.
New Details Release On Skid Row Housing Trust’s Mismanagement, What Can SoCal Housing Development Non-Profit’s Learn From This?
Brilliant Corners Chief Executive Officer, William Pickel, joins NPR’s AirTalk with Larry Mantle to discuss the recent reporting from the Los Angeles Times on the collapse of Skid Row Housing Trust, along with Los Angeles Times Senior Writer, Doug Smith, and president and CEO of Innovative Housing Opportunities, Rochelle Mills.
After a lifetime of homelessness, addiction, & incarceration, it was housing that changed his life.
Spectrum News reporter Catalina Villegas highlights Brilliant Corners and the Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool program. This segment features a moving conversation with Brilliant Corners participant, Boyce, who shares how housing has been key to his healing process.
Brilliant Corners Chief Program Officer Chris Contreras receives a 2023 James Irvine Foundation Leadership Award
This week, The James Irvine Foundation announced that Brilliant Corners’ Chief Program Officer Chris Contreras was named as one of the 2023 Leadership Award recipients. The Award comes with a $250,000 grant to continue Brilliant Corners’ work of helping people exit homelessness through housing placements and supportive services.